Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'v Been Tagged!

The Rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you: My friend Shantel tagged me :)
*Post the rules on your blog:
*Write six random things about yourself.
*Tag six people and let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
*Let your tagger know when your entry is up. (Don't forget to come back and tell me you completed this tag!)

So when I saw this I thought it wouldn't only be fun for others to read but it would be fun for me to think of some random things about Tyler and I! We are pretty random people so I could go way beyond 6 but I'll stick to the rules! ;)

3 Random Facts about Melissa

1.) I am very very very scared of the dark and sleeping by myself!! If I don't have Tyler to sleep with (which I haven't the past weeks) I beg my twin sister to have sleep overs and stay with me! And do to the fact that I get scared so easily I can't watch scary movies because I will stay up all night long thinking about how terrible they are!

2.) I am a terribly picky eater!! I like most of my sandwiches plain with just meat and cheese. And I never dip my food in any kind of sauce unless its ketchup.

3.) And last, I am a organized/clean FREAK! After church on Sunday's I usually spend the whole afternoon cleaning and getting organized for the week. I hate dirty laundry piling up/ dirty dishes in the sink! I always carry a planner around with me along with appointments in my phone and a to-do list always written!

And 3 Random Facts about Tyler!

4.) He eats / chews on almost everything he picks up or sees. He always has something in his mouth and it grosses me out to think about where it came from. If I don't like what I'm eating I will give it to him and he will eat it no matter what! haha

5.) Tyler is the best listener there is! It must be from being so close to girls his whole life! He grew up very close to his mom and his little sister (No brothers) and now he has 2 more girls in his life (Me and his daughter on the way) He can be girly sometimes too! (Jk... He's very tough and manley! haha)

6.) He is OBSESSED with the Dallas Cowboy football team. He already has a trip planned for us only 2 weeks after the baby is born to go see a game. It will be an adventure that's for sure! That will be an interesting blog to read!

****ok so I tag:
Camille King
The Alvey's
The Robbins

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Birthday! :)

For those of you who don't know.. I turn 20 years old on October 7th and it has been one of the best birthday's I have had in a long time! Tyler was sooooo sweet! He started my birthday today on the 6th by telling me to get ready because I will be going somewhere this afternoon. I was then told to go to the Boise Mall and go to Gap where something would be waiting for me at the counter. When I got to the counter there was a little note wrapped up saying I could spend $100.00 on anything I wanted in the store!!! I was so grateful because I had been really wanting a robe and some comfortable pjs for when the baby is born. I found the PERFECT robe that will make me feel comfortable while I nurse the baby. :)

Then, on my actual birth date, October 7th, I spent the whole day relaxing with my twin sister! :) I then went with my mother in law and watched Tyler's little sis, Emilee play volleyball. We both had such a good time catching up and talking about the future! Emilee then announced over the pa system that it was my birthday so the whole gym was looking at me!! Gerrie and I were both turning red!! haha. Gerrie gave me some awesome gifts! I got some pink massage slippers along with a pillow that massages my back and also a jar that counts up coins! I have never been so entertained putting coins in a jar! I used it all night and everytime I found change around the house I would get so excited to put it in my jar! I almost have 50.00 now counted up! Then for the end of the night I went to dinner in Boise with my dad, em, and emily blackhurst! We had a such a good time and then came home and had cake, ice cream, and a movie night! It was amazing! I only wish that I could have spent it with more of my family!