Another big event that happened recently was Tyler’s big achievement about a month ago. He was promoted to Staff Sergeant in the AF and we are so proud of his hard work and dedication to his job. Wrestling season is also coming up this winter and we can’t wait to watch him and see how great he will be this year.
Madison is just getting so old and knows it. She will be 1 in November and we can’t wait to throw a little party for her. Some new things about her is that she is constantly on the move. She crawls everywhere and occasionally takes a few steps. She pulls herself up on everything and wants to play with anything in sight! She also says ma-ma, dada, and baba (for her bottle). I love her so much and can’t believe how fast she is growing up.
As for me, I am still enjoying being a stay at home mom but I have also enrolled myself in night classes so that I can continue getting my degree in Elementary Education which I was started on before I had Maddie. Hopefully I will finish that up before we set our sights on having our 2nd child. However, I am so baby hungry and feel the urge for another newborn! Next year I also plan on working part time at the Child Developmental Center while going to school so that Madison can get out of the home environment and make some friends her age.
Well, that’s that for the update on us and I plan on sharing more then just every couple months! So stay tuned ! Also here’s some new pictures!